Mount Waverley North Primary School acknowledges that active and effective participation in Australian society and the global community depends on the ability to think, listen, speak, read, view and write with confidence, purpose and enjoyment in a wide range of contexts. The study of English, and the broader concept of Literacy, is about the appropriate and effective use of language, the use of language as a means of learning and the development of knowledge about language. Through language use, students convey and discover information, work through ideas and express feelings. Students learn how language works and how to use it appropriately.
Our whole school approach to literacy is structured to build on students' developmental literacy needs. The teaching and learning pedagogies within our school are aligned with evidence-based practice at the forefront of educational initiatives, and provide exceptional consistent practice and sequential high level learning, inclusive of all students. We are an accredited Multi-Sensory Structured Language (MSL) school, whose programs bring outstanding growth in students' literacy outcomes.Link to a Spelling Video showing the Sound Pack in Years 1 and 2
We highly value the support of parents in our classroom literacy programs as we believe that teaching is a partnership between the school and the parents.Our English as an Additional Language program supports students who require additional focus developing their English language skills.The school also promotes State and National programs such as the Premier’s Reading Challenge, Book Week and Literacy Week.