Digital Technologies are a critical part of our students’ lives. It is crucial that our students have both the technical competencies and cybersafety skills to enable them to be smart, safe and responsible digital citizens. When used effectively, technology is an important tool to transform student learning.At Mount Waverley North Primary School, students are provided with access to a range of tools to explore multi-literacies and understand, evaluate and create information using digital technology. These include laptops, iPads, desktops, digital cameras, Apple TV, and digital projectors. Each teaching space is equipped with an interactive whiteboard and on-hand access to each of these technologies.All computers are networked and have high-speed connections to the Internet. ICT is integrated across the range of the curriculum where skills are developed within the curriculum and not taught in isolation. We use applications to support the development of learning outcomes across the curriculum and to engage the students in collaborative, co-operative and problem solving activities. Multimedia is particularly beneficial in the development of higher order thinking skills and in allowing for different learning styles.SAMR ModelWe understand that effective use of digital technologies is more than just devices in classrooms. Our teachers use a range of teaching strategies and models, namely the SAMR model.At its core, the SAMR model is designed to encourage technology users to ‘redefine’ tasks. This means that through the use of technology, previously inconceivable results can be achieved. This includes ways of connecting with others, sharing information, collaboration, finding out information and problem solving.eSmartMount Waverley North Primary School is proud to have achieved eSmart Membership status. eSmart Membership is available exclusively to those schools who have achieved eSmart Status and completed the original eSmart framework. Being an eSmart Member School helps us to continue to enrich and enhance our eSmart practices and stay on the forefront of online safety.Visit the eSmart page of this website for further information regarding eSmart at MWNPS.